You are asking wrong question about Javascript frameworks!!
Questions are the best way to learn and grow. From being a school kid to working in MNC still believe the best way to learn is ASK, is to QUESTION. In short be curious.
When it comes to the development field, questions becomes your main source of learning. You question yourself when ever you are writing a line of code, or doing code review, facing a logical decision and so on.
Keep questioning and keep growing!!
As an organizer of the Meetup JSLovers I get opportunity to meet and interact with lot of developers. Being an active writer on Quora. I get lot of questions related to development. Today I am going to talk about the MOST ASKED QUESTION TO ME — ONLINE AND OFFLINE BOTH:
“Is React is good or Angular?”
“Should I learn Javascript or jQuery?”
“Should I learn Angular2 or React for Job?”
Now it is not just about React and angular. It is now about all JS frameworks and Libraries out in the market. Weather it is polymerjs, vuejs, emberjs or alienjs (:p).
The moment a new framework/Library comes in the market. Each and every developer start comparing them to.
Is it Bad??
No way…comparing is good. You evaluate the strengths, weakness and loopholes of the frameworks/Libraries and then you decide — “Which framework is for what?” NOT “Which framework is Good and which is Bad”.
Compare them for the learning, compare them for evaluation BUT DO NOT COMPARE for your JOBS and PROJECTS.
Because when it comes to the projects the question should be “My problem is XYZ which framework/library would be appropriate for it?”
Then only one can put his all evaluation of frameworks/libraries knowledge into the problem and come out the with the right framework for your problem.
So, stop asking the wrong question and start asking the right question.
For learning, it is important to know about all the frameworks, features and USP but for projects it should be comparison of the problems not the frameworks.
Do share did you faced such questions too? What was your first thought ?
Happy learning!!