Your next employee is getting your feedback from local Meetup
In today’s digital world every job-seeker is very well aware and clear of what they want from their next job and company. As challenging and time- consuming it is for company to hire a talent in terms of the — talent search, profile review, interviewing etc. similarly the whole process is challenging/time-consuming for job-seekers too.
Gone the days when job-seeker happily accept and join the first offer which come to their way. Job-seekers never bothered to go and do research on company whereas company used to do background verification and many other things to make sure they are hiring right person. But now, every job seeker is doing lot of research before joining any company as well as they have more than 1 offer in their hand too. So, it becomes one extra step for company to woo the job-seekers now to join their company.
Job-seekers get feedback on following:
- Culture of the company
2. Work life balance at the company
3. Current and future Projects
4. Career growth
5. Travel opportunities
6. Policies and Benefits
7. Tech Stack
8. Brand value & many more
Now companies invest a lot in maintaining their image on social media as that is the first place where anyone will go and check the feedback. From running many employee central events, fun activities, community work etc. Companies do a lot to maintain their social image. Glassdoor is one of the popular site to check the feedback of the companies as it give employee option to give feedback anonymously.
In midst of all, silently local meetup are changing the face of the getting feedback of the companies. Meetup give the opportunity to network and meet people of different companies of same domain at one place in a informal way. Meetup are the best place to discuss and share about the companies, culture, project etc.
Being an organizer of JSLovers — local meetup in Delhi/NCR I have seen that meetup becomes the best informal platform to get/share the companies’ feedback. As it is the platform where local developers meet and connect with each-other and in such informal setup they openly talk about which company is doing good.which is having best project…which is having the best benefits, which tech stack, which company is using and moreover which company NOT to join.
Meetup now acting as the platform to get the firsthand feedback about companies. Not only for job-seekers , now even companies are identifying the power of meetup. For companies, it is the best platform to reach to the target audience — talk and meet them. They can easily showcase their products, their company plans, achievements and as it is a informal meetup it becomes a 2 way interactive talk where audience is openly asking lot of questions to know the company much better, meet their current employees and see very closely how that company is.
So, if you are a job-seeker and looking for feedback on your future company. Go and talk at your local meetup to get feedback of the company. If you are job-giver go at your local meetup and grab the opportunity to showcase your company as well as connect with some awesome talent.
Are you a Recruiter or a job-seeker? What is your thought — that how the hiring way is changed and what factors are impacting it. Do share in comment section.
I am Neha — Working as Tech Lead and organizer of JSLovers meetup at Delhi/Gurgaon/Mumbai/Noida.